
Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Winners from the Price’s Creameries Sun Bowl Punt, Pass and Kick Presented by the City of El Paso Parks and Recreation October 21, 2015

Winners from the Price’s Creameries Sun Bowl Punt, Pass and Kick Presented by the City of El Paso Parks and Recreation

EL PASO, Texas – The Sun Bowl Association has verified the results and winners for the Price’s Creameries Sun Bowl Punt, Pass & Kick presented by the City of El Paso Parks that was conducted on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at Sun Bowl Stadium.

The winner in each age division has a chance to participate in the “team competition” that will be held at halftime of the New York Jets versus Dallas Cowboys game on December 19 in AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas.

NFL PP&K, the oldest grassroots initiative at the NFL, continues to reach children ages 6-15 and allows them to experience the fun of learning football fundamentals in an engaging and supportive non-contact environment.

The winners are listed below and separated by age group.

Ages 6/7 – Isaiah Valle (punt: 30-11; pass: 36’; kick: 41’2; Total: 107’6)
Ages 8/9 – Damien Rodriguez (punt: 56’7, pass: 71’2; kick: 66’6; Total: 194’3)
Ages 10/11 – Diego Aguilera (punt: 78’9; pass: 66’10; kick: 100’4; Total: 242’11)
Ages 12/13 – Michael Nowell (punt: 79’8; pass: 122’10; kick: 49’11; Total: 252’5)
Ages 14/15 – Shaun Jones (punt: 38’3; pass: 113’7; kick: 78’5; Total: 230’3)

Ages 6/7 – Victoria Jones (punt: 13’2; pass: 19’; kick: 10’4; Total: 42’6)
Ages 8/9 – Ava Labrado (punt: 42’3; pass: 37’6; kick: 42’; Total: 121’11)
Ages 10/11 – Jewel Vielma (punt: 57’9; pass: 61’10; kick: 42’; Total: 160’5)
Ages 12/13 – Karina Ortega (punt: 104’; pass: 66’2; kick: 82’6; Total: 252’8)
Ages 14/15 – Beth Bauntler (punt: 79’8; pass: 78’; kick: 126’; Total: 283’)

Boys 6/7 Punt Pass Kick Total
Emiliaro Murga 8’ 18’6 2’ 28’6
Javier Hernandez 6’8 28’ 11’ 45’8
Alan Rivera 27’8 21’6 7’7 57’1
Carlos Rojas III 0 44’2 27’2 71’4
Gael Soto 18’ 39’3 26’8 83’11
Isaiah Valle 30’11 36’ 41’2 107’6

Boys 8/9
Andres S. Rios 2’9 29’3 11’10 43’10
Nathan C. Barrientos 0 38’7 19’11 58’6
Alan Lara 8’7 23’ 28’2 59’9
Jedrick Alferez 14’7 49’7 0 64’2
Nathan A. Trevino 36’4 13’3 25’5 75’0
Caleb Lendley 39’7 30’8 10’2 80’5
Russel D. Pope 17’9 55’10 13’7 87’2
Adriel Cruz 38’5 35’1 15’5 88’11
Tenron McGrew 16’1 46’ 54’5 116’6
Pablo Chavez 31’5 31’6 55’ 117’11
Noah A. Vitela 15’10 40’9 63’3 119’`0
Nathaniel Delgado 30’4 32’6 61’6 124’4
Donte Reedy 60’10 32’5 41’8 134’11
Bradan Ferrar 61’5 54’8 25’4 141’5
Angelo Vega 42’4 49’11 51’2 143’5
Jayden Nunez 42’10 52’5 52’2 147’5
Daniel Morales 37’10 56’3 64’6 158’7
Aydan Rodriguez 63’ 45’2 55’3 163’5
Antonio Rentana 60’ 53’11 50’6 164’5
Victor Valle 65’8 60’ 65’11 191’7
Damien Rodriguez 56’7 71’2 66’6 194’3

Boys 10/11
DaShaun Ferguson 25’ 57’8 10’ 92’8
Jiovanni Arriola 43’9 49’10 2’9 95’9
Jayden Jimerson 46’10 48’4 21’10 117’
Matthew B. Pope 51’ 68’9 24’5 144’2
Isaiah Ochoa 56’ 43’3 48’1 147’4
Bryan Delgado 70’ 56’4 22’1 148’5
Dominic Ozaeta 48’8 58’ 45’8 152’4
Caleb G. Herrera 44’6 47’6 60’4 152’4
Damian Diaz 53’9 77’8 21’8 152’8
Hugo Rivera 48’10 54’8 51’5 154’11
Xavier Leon 37’ 70’5 52’6 159’11
Gabriel Carlos 55’2 74’2 52’11 182’3
Kevin Martinez 47’1 62’7 74’2 183’10
Isaac Ortega 74’3 66’0 50’4 190’7
Isaiah Coronado 69’8 66’10 56’10 193’4
Carlos Sanchez 78’5 57’4 58’7 194’4
Brayden Goeldner 87’3 47’8 59’7 194’6
Sam Lopez Jr. 63’1 72’9 65’5 201’3
Sebastian Ortega 56’10 79’7 96’9 233’2
Diego Aguilera 78’9 66’10 100’4 242’11

Boys 12/13
Christopher Villalobos 27’4 63’6 31’ 121’10
Marc Johnson 43’5 64’ 47’11 155’4
Luis Favela 42’6 68’ 49’3 159’9
Ruben Martinez 36’5 94’1 51’3 181’9
Rene Almager 64’7 66’6 64’4 195’5
Daniel George Munez 87’1 83’6 47’11 218’6
Adrian Sanchez 53’3 95’3 80’11 226’5
Michael Nowell 79’8 122’10 49’11 252’5

Boys 14/15
Shaun Jones 38’3 113’7 78’5 230’3

Girls 6/7
Aubrey Rodarte 0 12’7 5’3 17’10
Vianney Rodriguez 5’ 4’8 7’11 17’7
Leilani Cabral 10’ 12’6 5’ 27’6
Estrella Reta 0 11’8 17’6 29’2
Brianna Rodriguez 22’1 11’2 4’5 37’8
Victoria Jones 13’2 19’ 10’4 42’6

Girls 8/9
Madelin Ozaeta 7’5 16’3 3’6 27’2
Viviana Murga 0 18’6 16’ 34’6
Damara Guilford 0 41’5 2’8 44’1
Makayla Nonell 17’4 23’11 4’4 45’7
Hanna Delgado 0 22’8 25’6 48’2
Charlyene Mina Rojas 5’5 40’8 8’2 54’3
Kimberly Rodriguez 0 24’9 42’6 67’3
Anais Ferris 0 34’ 40’3 74’3
Alejandra Salazar 19’ 32’7 23’1 74’8
Jimena 19’2 30’1 27’2 76’5
Isabella Rosales 14’ 32’1 35’3 81’4
Kayden Anderson 31’4 26’9 36’2 94’3
Sophia Guitierrez 35’5 36’5 29’10 101’8
Ava Labrado 42’3 37’6 42’ 121’9

Girls 10/11
Ashley White 9’7 18’7 9’ 37’2
Andrea Murga 13’10 36’5 35’2 85’5
Alyssa McBain 30’4 41’6 15’11 86’9
Aries Mendez 0 53’6 35’7 89’1
Alyssa M. Pena 29’4 41’6 29’7 100’5
Victoria Perez 49’5 49’11 36’10 136’2
Aryanna Malfavan 59’4 42’2 57’8 159’2
Jewels Vielma 57’9 61’10 42’ 161’7

Girls 12/13
Madison Spencer 57’ 63’ 20’10 140’10
Kiana Melendrez 34’8 63’ 64’10 162’6

Girls 14/15
Karina Ortega 104’ 66’2 82’6 252’8
Beth Bauntler 79’8 78’ 126’ 283’0

• All participants must begin competition at the school level or officially sanctioned local community competition.
• The top finisher in each of the boys’ and girls’ divisions from the five age brackets of each Local Competition will advance to the Sectional Round. The top finisher is the participant who has the highest final score for that round. Contestants who qualify for the Sectionals must compete at the location to which they are assigned. Each school or Local is notified of the location of the Sectional prior to the competition.
• At the Sectionals, each competitor will begin anew with a score of zero. Only the top four first-place finishers in each age bracket from the boys’ and girls’ divisions from the pool of Sectional Competition champions will advance to the Team Championship. At all levels of competition, only first-place winners will be considered for advancement to the next level.
• At the Team Championships, each of the 40 competitors begins a new with a score of zero. The top finisher within each age bracket at this level is declared that NFL team’s NFL PUNT, PASS & KICK Team Champion. The top finisher is the participant who has achieved the highest final score for that round.
• Only the four first-place Team Champions from each of the boys’ and girls’ divisions of all NFL Team Champions are eligible for advancement to the National Finals. Their scores must be in the top four nationally in their respective age groups to qualify.
• National Finalists are notified at the conclusion of all Team Championships at the end of December.
• At the National Finals, each competitor begins anew with a score of zero. The top finisher within each age bracket at this level is named the NFL PUNT, PASS & KICK National Champion. The top finisher is the participant who has achieved the highest final score.

For questions or concerns on results and advancement call the El Paso Parks and Recreation Department at 915-351-1320.

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Contact Us!

Sun Bowl Association
4150 Pinnacle Street
Suite 100
El Paso, Texas 79902

Phone: (915) 533-4416
Toll Free: (800) 915-BOWL